Volunteering At The Gill Tract
Good things take time.
To get the most out of your time at the farm, we encourage you to choose a weekly shift to come to regularly. This is the best way for our veteran farmers to pass on wisdom and include you in meaningful work.
If you are ready to get started, fill out the form below. If you want to drop-in to check things out first, see the open hours list and guidelines below.
If you like what you see during your drop-in, we invite you to come back to this page and get started with the intake form. We're excited to dig in with you!

Open Hours & Guidelines

Hours are broken into 3 hour shifts. Please arrive at the beginning of a shift and stay until the end to be in sync with the other farmers.
Sundays, 11am-2pm, and 2-5pm
Tuesdays, 2-5pm
Wednesdays (POC-led), 2-5pm, and 5pm-sunset
Thursdays (medicinal herbs), 11am-2pm, and 2-5pm
Fridays (herbal medicine making): 2-5pm
These are our most current open hours. Google Maps and other sources may not be up to date.
For guided tours or event bookings, fill out the "Book the Farm" form.
We're looking forward to seeing you on the land! Take your first step, with the volunteer interest form below.
Does your organization do public service trips in the community? Does your school want to make a trip to the community? For other volunteering inquiries like these, please messages us at volunteers@gilltractfarm.org!